About the Artist

Cheryl is an imaginative Singer / Songwriter driven by an incredible passion for self-expression through music. Her vocals are often noted for her unique raspy/vibrato style - Sort of a Janis Joplin/Stevie Nicks combo.  
Cheryls voice allows for her to sing almost any style as if her vocals were a perfect fit. This is because she has a wide range of tones unlike many popular singers.
She is an excellent choice for a variety of music projects and performances, & has currently been recording her own material to be available on this site. 
er singing has brought her recognition in the music realm - & she is occasionaly invited by well known local bands to perform on stage with them during their set. She has also appeared in a YouTube video, recorded at a wine bar on open mic night, as she sings her original song 'My Brother The Trucker'.  That video currently has thousands of views from all over the globe

She does it all for her love of music. That means: Getting on stage & singing to an audience & recording in the studio -at the request of many fans.

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